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App user privacy protocol

This privacy policy is applicable to users of this app. Please read it carefully. We are committed to providing users with high quality service. If you have any questions, please contact us :[email protected]

1. Technical support and user terms of use

Before using this product, users must read all the terms in this Agreement carefully. If you click the “agree” button, you will agree to the relevant terms. If you have any questions or comments after reading this agreement, please contact us :[email protected].

1.1 When the user clicks the “agree” button during the registration process, it means that the user fully accepts all the terms of this agreement.

1.2 After successful registration, each user will be given a user account number and corresponding password, which will be kept by the user.

1.3 After the user’s account number is lost or forgotten, the user must follow the complaint channel and request to retrieve the account number in time. The password recovery mechanism can only identify the correctness of the information filled in the appeal form and the system record data, but can not identify whether the plaintiff is the real user of account right. We will not be responsible for any loss caused by the user’s false name. The user knows that the responsibility for keeping the account number and password lies with the user. We do not promise that the user will be able to retrieve the account through appeal after losing or forgetting the password.

2. Privacy rights

Your personal information security is very important to us. We have been committed to providing a more secure Internet environment for every user. We will collect and use some of your personal information in accordance with the network security law of the people’s Republic of China, personal information security specification for information security technology (GB / t35273-2017) and other relevant laws, regulations and technical specifications to provide you with better products and / or services. Some of the privacy rights involved are as follows:

2.1 Mobile phone number and e-mail address: the mobile phone number, verification code, email address and other information of the user will be taken when the user registers. The user account is used to prevent the loss of user data and learning records. After the user registers, please keep the account password and other information properly. If the user divulges the password later, resulting in the account being stolen or lost, the platform is not responsible, If there are any account disputes, please contact us in time.

2.2 Microphone: used for oral recording evaluation and scoring.

2.3 Our products are integrated with Umeng +SDK. Umeng +SDK needs to collect your device MAC address and unique device identification code (IMEI/ Android ID/IDFA/ OpenUDID /GUID, SIM card IMSI information) to provide statistical analysis services, and to calibrate the report data accuracy through geographical location to provide basic anti-cheating capabilities.https://www.umeng.com/analytics

2.4 In order to achieve the functions of "Second verify login" and "SMS verification code login", we use MobTech's "Second verify" and "SNSSDK" http://www.mob.com/about/policy.

Technical information:

The app will not send or store any technical information (such as the IP address contained in the HTTP request sent by the app). But IWe reserve the right to collect relevant technical information in future versions to provide better service for you. We will update the association at that time.

10 yrs of technical precipitation
launched within 1-2 months
agile development, MVP
24/7 technical support
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